SCRIPTURE: Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11ESV)

QUOTE:When people act on your message, they begin to change. They don’t just change their behavior. They change their identity. They begin to become someone new because of your message” -Dr. Michelle Mazur


Nobody stays in leadership forever, majorly because, nobody lives forever. Hence, it is important to prepare the future. No organization has the capacity to grow and transcend generations without the right leadership.

A system must be in place to ensure the smooth transition from the old to the new. To get these future leaders to remain engaged and aligned with the underlying goals of the organization, they have to see how they are personally impacting the organization. This process of engagement and alignment starts with an open and transparent culture in which everyone is comfortable sharing their thoughts, issues and ideas.

This open and transparent environment provides the opportunity for proper assessment on the side of the existing leaders and also offers the future leaders the opportunity for expressing their opinion on how things should go and how the organization is to run in order to achieve it’s set objectives. Organizational goals and plans should also be consistently communicated directly to these set of individuals and an ongoing thread of communication around how those plans will be achieved should be encouraged. Sharing of information and ideas through various means should also be encouraged also.


The disciples of Jesus enjoyed open, consistent and transparent communication from him. Often times, Jesus will further explain to them in private the meaning of the parables he used in the general assembly. Jesus in dealing with them ensured they were prepared in every way possible knowing they are to carry on the assignment after him, in other words, the prepared the future adequately. He gave them opportunities to ask and answered them very sincerely. If our Lord can do this, it is only wise we do too.


  1. Are you preparing the future?
  2. Are you open in your communication?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 2 Sam. 17 – 18, Prov. 28

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