SCRIPTURE: “For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.” (Proverbs 24:16 ESV)

QUOTE: “You must allow people the space and time of discovery, and trust in all that is to come.” – Bryant McGill.


Learning is a process that requires time. Nobody becomes knowledgeable from his or her mother’s womb; even Jesus had to go through processes before his ultimate showcasing to the world. He needed the wisdom of the wise men he sat with to discuss matters of the law at the age of 12. In fact, he needed to spend 30years of his life learning.

The process of learning is filled with so much error. Take for instance, a child in primary school coming back home with his or her book littered with all manner of pencil drawings; that doesn’t mean the child isn’t learning, it’s just that there are still so many errors in the process.

Leadership is hard work and requires plenty of time to understand. The process of gaining this complete understanding is full of errors and the organization that wants to prepare the future must give allowance to errors as there is no learning void of error.


The light bulb was tried many times before its perfection. Leaders must engage severally before they are considered ready. The truth is, there is no perfect leader anywhere in the world, we are only at different levels of development.


  1. Are you giving allowance for error?
  2. Will future leaders eventually become under your current style of leadership?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 2 Sam 23.8 – 39, Prov. 31.10 – 31

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