SCRIPTURE:  “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 ESV)

QUOTE: “Each of us has the power to inspire or depress, to lift others or to push them down.” -Wilfred Peterson


Nothing can be more inspiring like knowing you have enough support system. The best in people finds expression in an environment of support. Letting future leaders know you are behind them no matter what provides the energy required to assume everything you desire.

For instance, good parents patiently grow their kids into solid men and women in society by being a valuable support system for them. They remain there in the good and the worse times; in times when they are obedient and in times they are not, in times when it looks like money is being spent unnecessarily on education and also in times when they are proud their kids are beginning to do just fine educationally.

Just like this supporting parent, you must be willing to support their thinking and worldview, not trying to conform them to yours. We all have distinct purposes and assignment on earth and the way we attempt things can never be the same. Hence, to fully support them, you should step back and allow them do it their way, of course with the adequate guidance required

The major fear most leaders have is thinking allowing people their way will distort the original structure of an organization. This is not always the case rather; it helps to broaden the scope of the leadership of the organization.


The Apostle Paul would have encountered lots of problems after his conversion without the support of Ananias, Barnabas and the elders of the church of that time. The future of the entire Christian faith and literature were revolutionized because one man was duly supported by those that mattered. Also, the ministry of our Lord Jesus became a nation wild movement because man and women stood by him and offered all their support. The future needs all the support they can get to thrive.


  1. Are you offering support?
  2. How will it impact your leadership?


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