SCRIPTURE: “Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith.” (Romans 3:27, NKJV).

QUOTE: “Faith is a lifestyle of adding God’s perspective to ours; divine reason always trumps human reason.” – Robert A. Schuller.


To make sense of leadership at all levels, we must operate by the law of faith. The law simply says,”all things are possible to him who believes”. What this means is that faith has predictability to it. It will work for anyone and work anywhere. Like the law of gravity or the law of cause and effect, faith is universal in application and shares no exception for creed, color or culture. Faith is a law that applies to everybody!

Hebrew 11 verse 6 says; “without faith, it is impossible to please God”. In order words, if you must expressed loyalty and confidence in God, you must operate by the law of faith. God is Omnipotent, with the ability to undo situations, solve any problems and turns things around. However, it is not only God that has the capacity for limitless possibilities; all things are equally possible to everyone who exercises faith in God. As leaders, we must constantly draw on the omnipotence of God, bringing heaven to bear upon the occurrences in our lives, families and organizations.


Bill Irwin was a recovered alcoholic when he decided to honor God’s blessings in his life by doing something extraordinary; doing something that would show the world that with God all things are possible. He went blind at age twenty-eight from an eye disease and at age forty nine decided it was time to do something totally impossible for a blind person to do. He was not an experienced hiker, but chose hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT) in 1990, 2175 miles in about nine months, as a way to say all things are possible to him that believes.


  1. How often do you draw on the omnipotence of God in your daily dealings?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Catch-up day, Psalm 17

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