SCRIPTURE: “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17, NKJV)

QUOTE: “Faith is building on what you know is here, so you can reach what you know is there.” – Cullen Hightower.


Faith is never built on someone else’s testimony. A testimony inspires hope in us but that’s the best it does. You need a word from God as an anchor to build your own faith. At the beginning of anything, there must be a word, because it is only what is obtained by the word that has a guarantee of being sustained.

It is the Word that undergirds anything that will last. The word of God is not something you just read, it is the word that is revealed to you.

Everything you need in your world is wrapped up in His word. Your allocation is in your revelation. Invariably, the finest raw material you need to build your faith is the word of God. As a leader, your claim to faith can be seen in your attitude towards the word.

Your moves, motives and methods, should be validated by a sure word of prophecy. The scripture features the pictures of your future, you must deliberately engage it, believe it and deploy it, accordingly.


Joshua Nun was an exceptional leader who led the Israelites between 1355-1245 BCE. He led them through three major military campaigns involving more than thirty enemy armies. He was instrumental in stilling the waters of Jordan and the destruction of the gigantic wall of Jericho. Once, he commanded the sun to stand still and the moon to stop, in an event that was unprecedented. What a wonder of a leader! But the secret to these bravely a display was a faith built solely on the word of God- Joshua 1 verse 8.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you build your faith on the word of God?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 2 Kings 1 – 2, Psalm 19

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