SCRIPTURE: “Then the Lord answered me and said “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2:2 NIV).

QUOTE:  “A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” –Rosabeth Moss Kanter.


A part can never be greater than the whole – that explains the power of teams and the synergy they produce. Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM). Many research findings have established however that ambiguity of teams’ destinations and uncertainties about expectations from team members account for a lot of man-hours loss, costing corporation’s huge sum in revenue. Before a leader therefore begins to scout for team members to deliver on certain expectations, the leader, of a necessity, must be clear and certain of where he/she wants to go. It must be crispy clear where he/she intends to take others to also.

Productivity though answers to many factors, clear vision – where to go, and mission – how to get there, both play critically inescapable roles. You know it is possible to run very fast but in the wrong direction. It is possible to produce the desired quantity (and possibly quality) of a wrong product where instructions and expectations are not explicit enough. Clear vision statement as well as definite mission statement paints the big picture. It shows how the long journey is broken into appreciable milestones. It shows where the team is going and why. It helps show the connectivity in roles of team members and how each team member contributes to the actualization of the big picture. Then the leader can know who is and who is not relevant to the team. Other things being equal, that is the beginning of peak productivity.


It is simply amazing how Jesus built his team and set them on fire to accomplish “greater works.” There was no sweet talking them neither were there empty promises. In fact, He told them He had nowhere to lay His head. He announced ahead of time that His mission will end in death. Yet, these men did not only follow, they were ready to die too. Why? The vision and the mission statements were compelling enough. Period!


  1. Do you lead a team?
  2. Can your team members describe where they will be with you in the next five to ten years?
  3. How is that knowledge impacting their productivity?


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