SCRIPTURE: “But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. – I Corinthians 3:13 (NLT)
QUOTE: “Performance management, when handled skillfully in an organization today, can increase job satisfaction, employee retention, loyalty, and overall performance of the organization.” -Soumyasanto Sen.
Most times, what gets done is not what is expected but rather what is inspected. Only very few people are truly self-disciplined and motivated enough to do what is right even when no eyes are watching. Every organization, regardless of the size should have a performance management system (PMS). PMS can however be simple or complex depending on the size of the organization using it. Performance evaluation and review ensure that performance is in alignment with standards and objectives with a view to identifying deviations (if any) on time and controlling them as quickly as possible. Also, an effective PMS reveals training gaps and helps in coaching such that organizations make optimal use of their human resources.
An effective PMS is like a quadrant involving planning, monitoring, reviewing and rewarding. All of these create an inseparable loop of sequential activities; one leading to the next. A derivative of PMS can be a performance improvement plan (PIP), also known as a performance action plan. This is a tool to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed and this may result in any of the following; improvement in overall performance, a transfer, demotion or termination in a worst case scenario. Performance evaluation and optimal productivity are matters of cause and effect.
For the six days of creation, God was both monitoring and evaluating His own performance as no one else was qualified to do that. Hence, repeatedly “God saw that it was good.” Obviously, that was for our example – if it is not supervised, it can neither be successful nor sustained.
How do you appraise your team members objectively without sentiments?