SCRIPTURES: “Now may the God who brought us peace by raising from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ so that he would be the Great Shepherd of his flock; and by the power of the blood of the eternal covenant.” (Heb 13:20 KJV) 

QUOTE: “It takes some of us a lifetime to learn that Christ, our Great Shepherd, knows exactly what He is doing with us. He understands us perfectly.” – W. Phillip Keller 


Every leader who is a good shepherd must desire to be a great shepherd. Jesus was not only a good shepherd but a great shepherd. This is an indication that a progression is required in our leadership style to give our flock or followers God’s kind of shepherding. You become a great shepherd when you have gained much knowledge and skills as a good shepherd. This naturally increases your oversight, because your followers or the sheep would have increased by the special grace God has made available. Great shepherding is usually a response to repeated and consistent good shepherding over a period of time. It is never a flash in the pan. 


Our Lord Jesus was a skillful and a great shepherd. He was such because he allowed time and process to be his teacher (Heb 5:8-9). He became obedient by the things time taught Him to suffer for the flock. Though he died but forever lives to support and protect his sheep. That is greatness! David led the people of God by the skillfulness of his hand and the integrity of his heart (Psa 78:72). The people gathered to make him king over the entire nation and he reigned for forty years. Great shepherds develop over a period of time by their exposure to the mind of God.


  1. Why are great shepherds lacking in our days?
  2. What sacrifice are you ready to pay for the grace of a great shepherd?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Ezra 3 – 4, Psalm 76

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