SCRIPTURE: “You led your people forward by your loving hand, blessed by the leadership of Moses and Aaron.” (Psalm 77:20 KJV) 

QUOTE: “If sheep do not have the constant care of a shepherd, they will go the wrong way, unaware of the dangers at hand. They have been known to nibble themselves right off the side of a mountain….. And so, because sheep are sheep, they need shepherds to care for them. The welfare of sheep depends solely upon the care they get from their shepherd. Therefore, the better the shepherd, the healthier the sheep.” – Kay Arthur 


A leader like a good shepherd must lead his flock by the still waters, to green pastures and through every wilderness situation. To lead a flock speaks of learning the principles of leading a large number of people with diverse opinions, backgrounds and beliefs. The art of shepherding is the art of leading people in spite of opposition from independent sheep, opinion leaders and rebellious people. 


In 1804, Lewis and Clark faced the daunting task of finding their way across the vast wilderness of the American continent to reach its Pacific Coast. Their 33-member expedition included some of the most experienced navigators, scouts, woodsmen, and hunters in the United States. Yet despite their collective talents, the explorers would have died of starvation or from disorientation if they had relied solely on their own ingenuity. They were simply overmatched by the challenges of surviving in such an unfamiliar terrain. Realizing the perils of their situation, Lewis and Clark established relationships with indigenous Native American communities along their route to the Pacific. These local groups provided the expedition with guidance, supplies, and invaluable information about the surrounding environment. Benefiting from their help, Lewis and Clark were able to successfully complete their journey.


  1. Who are you assisting with the requisite guide to a better future?
  2. Do you understand the diverse nature of your followers?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Ezra 9 – 10, Psalm 79

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