SCRIPTURE: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2Tim. 4:7 (KJV)

QUOTE: “Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.” George Whitefield 


Steve Jobs was a man who had vision. This is one characteristic that a leader must have – to see what others cannot see. During the decade after he left Apple, the company floundered. When he returned to Apple, he gave the company its vision. He made his team understand the company’s long-term vision. When Steve was only 23 years old, his property was worth one million U.S. dollars. At 24, he had more than 10 million U.S. dollars. By the age of 25, he had 1 billion dollars. But he said, “I never work for the money. To be buried as the richest man in the world holds little attraction for me; what I care about is, “Can I tell myself – `I have done a great job; I have made the difference.’” He was buried and he had indeed done a great job. He had left his mark in this world. Leader! How about you? God had given you the Great assignment to change the ‘world’ starting from your own world, then to the uttermost part of the world. 


Paul sought to leave a mark for Christ, how about us? One day, when we are about to leave this world, can we tell our children, `I have done a great thing for Jesus, because I left a mark for the Gospel in this world’? When Pastor Rick Warren’s father was about to leave this world, he suddenly wanted to get up from his bed. His children and grandchildren, who were surrounding him, asked him, “Where are you going?” He said: “I’m about to leave this world, I want to save one more soul for Jesus.” But before long, he passed away. His father’s words, `Reach one more for Jesus’ touched Rick Warren deeply and so, he asked someone to write a song called “Reach One More for Jesus, which became a well-known Gospel song.


What mark are you making, both for God’s kingdom and in this life?

 TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Nehemiah 5 – 6, Psalm 84

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