SCRIPTURE “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Phil.4:9 (KJV)

QUOTE: “A good coach can be a caring parent, a wise teacher, an exemplary pastor, a passionate friend or a devoted mentor. Keep in touch with all of them especially at the time they are needed.– Anonymous 


The world today needs leaders who meet the physical, spiritual, economic and political needs of the people.  Christ’s leadership style was characterized by compassion, love and servant-hood. Leadership exists in every sphere of life. It is not a quality endowed to some people and denied to others. A person may be a leader in some situation and a follower in another. This is because different qualities are usually required for leadership over different groups. As such a member of the subordinate staff in an organization such as a messenger can be a leader in the church while his/her chief executive is just a worshipper without any leadership role in the same church. Motivating and leading people are an uphill task. It can be frustrating, stressful and dangerous to health even for those who are apparently born leaders. Indeed, there are numerous leaders who have resigned from their offices after just a short time of service due to frustrations they have faced.

However, it is better to resign from an office than to mislead people. Inefficient leadership can cause untold suffering and bog down humanity due to lack of clear guidance. During his time a small band of twelve disciples submitted themselves to his call to follow him. Judas who was one of the disciples became a traitor and fell out from the group. The remaining eleven disciples turned the whole world upside down in later years (Acts 17:6). Evidently this was the fruit of the leadership of Jesus. He had prepared them exceptionally well knowing that they were potential leaders. 


What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Phil. 4: 9. Leaders everywhere are called to lead by example. This style of leadership Jesus exemplified while here on earth. Whatever He needed His followers to do, He first did, and then charges them to follow His steps. This has proved to be the best and most productive form of leadership style. All the leaders all over the world who have lead otherwise, failed over time. We can’t be wiser than Wisdom Himself!


What challenges do you have being a servant leader?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Nehemiah 9, Psalm 87

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