SCRIPTURE: Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. – (1Timothy 4:13, NKJV)

 QUOTE:  Anyone who can read has it in his power to maximize his existence. -Anonymous. 


To be successful, you must always put your mind to work for continuous inspiration. One potent way to achieve this is to engage the habit of consistent reading and learning. Reading invigorates your mind, revitalize your body and enhances your leadership skill sets. It is imperative for you as a leader to be conscious of being current and informed. The largest room in the world, we are told, is the room for self-improvement.

The story was told of Daniel in the Bible, He was the wisest man in his time. And it was recorded in Daniel 9:2, “I Daniel understood by books…” Even though he was the master of astrologers, magicians, Chaldeans and soothsayers, he was constantly reading to get informed, dig up facts and be ahead of his contemporaries. When you stop learning, you become stale, your ideas become outdated, your relevance begins to nosedive and your success is stunted. This season affords you luxury of time, invest it acquiring knowledge. 


The story is told of Anthony Robbins, who was reported to have read 700 books in his high school days. Ranging from Psychology to Philosophy and various other subjects. He read till he grew to become a man of solutions in his school, so much that even his teachers began to consult him. He finished high school and became an instant celebrity, Now, he’s a consultant to IBM and Presidents of many developed countries. 


How many books have you read this year, to enhance your knowledge, skills and attitude?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Job 20 – 21, Psalm 113

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