SCRIPTURE: And who ever compels you to go one mile, go with him two (Mathew 5:41, NKJV)

QUOTE: The tragedy in life is not that man loses, but that he almost wins. -Haywood Brown. 


You can be a breath away from success and not succeed, if you don’t have the discipline of doing the extra. The world is full of people who gave up when they were some inches away from success. You need to be in the know, that half efforts does not produce half results. It produces no results. Almost is never a win. An Almost goal has never been celebrated. It’s either a goal or not. That is why you must accelerate your success by being deliberate in following through on your goals.

The difference between accomplishment and failure and that between champions and losers is often times measured with the extra effort. It is fractions of seconds that separate between medalist and losers in a race. So it is in many facets of life. Almost is a sure sign that with a little effort, you can make it. Some adjustments and paying attention to a little more detail, can take you to the top if you don’t give up. Going the extra mile will always place you ahead in life. Nobody remembers the man who almost won.


Mr. Philip Reis did not only have the intention, but he practically built the telephone. However, Alexander Graham Bell was credited for the invention. The only problem Reis had was the adjustment of one little screw. That one thing he failed to follow through with, kept him away from success. Years later Bell discovered Reis error. All he did was to adjust that little screw a quarter of a turn, and the rest is history today. 


Identify three things you will follow through with, before the end of this year.

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Job 23 – 24, Psalm 115

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