SCRIPTURE: “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them.” (II Timothy 3:14 NKJV)

QUOTE: “My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better.” —Steve Jobs


Mentors are coaches placed on your way to the top to keep you on track continuously.   No man can play his role well without a role model.  You never come across a sport star without a coach. In any field of sport, for example the stars in lawn tennis, the Serena sisters has professional coaches whom they pay.  If you must be a prize winner in any field of sport you need a coach but it always comes with a cost to your conveniences and programs. In the same vein you will never come across a leader of worth without a mentor as guide and coach. I strongly believe every believer must have a mentor he looks up to, and to whom he is accountable to. Every believer should belong to a spiritual family tree. A lack of this will result in irresponsible Christians and ministers of the gospel.


Christ waited thirty 30 years before commencing his earthly ministry and assignment.  The question is what was he doing all the while? was he walking leisurely, loitering idlily or just roaming about? No, can you imagine from the age of twelve, that He was learning at the feet of the elders; scribes and pharisees, though the wisdom of God was in him, He began to ask questions and proved their errors. He even went to churches and was tirelessly asking questions from the elders of the law. To develop capacity as a mentee, Jesus read all the books of the prophet and that is why no one could ever catch him off guard.


  1. What pattern or model of followership have you built to secure your future?
  2. Accountability in mentorship is essential to the raising up of the next generational leaders?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Genesis 45 – 46, Psalm 27

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