SCRIPTURE: “My beloved friends, imitate my walk with God and follow all those who walk according to the way of life we modeled before you. (Philippians 3:17 TPT)

QUOTE: “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” -Isaac Newton 


Mentors are life coaches. You have sport coaches and life coaches. A typical example of a life coach is Paul the apostle. This is what he said as seen from our text today, the things you’ve seen and pattern from me, be committed to following the same. Phil. 3:17. Mentors are our examples in life to lean and learn from. Mentors are life trainers that design your life to the kind of results you desire. Abraham a life trainer of all his servants…genesis 14:14. Training is a part of the package of mentorship. Man is never created to be self-independent; he is created to be a follower. When he ceases to follow, he will certainly be heading for doom. Please note that before you call somebody your mentor, be persuaded that that person (man or woman) has what you need and that you remain subjective to his God given principles for life. By this you will not only go up the ladders of excellence, but you will stay up that ladder. 


Upon the escape of David from Saul who wanted to kill him severally to cave Adullam he started his own leadership journey by mentoring men who were nothing to write home about by any standards and even the bible described them as foolish me. And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.        (1 Samuel 22:2 KJV)


  1. Can you evaluate the progress you are making in the school of mentorship?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Genesis 49 – 50, Psalm 29

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