SCRIPTURE: “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16 KJV)

QUOTE:Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise.” – Erich Fromm


Our cumulative success in life is based on relationships. If you do not understand relationship, you will not be victorious in life. The best one can be, is a failure or a frustrated being. All kinds of relationships thrive on the wings of love. However, true love is not emotions, not feelings. Although there is an emotional component of love that create feelings. Feelings are temporary disposition based on something we consider pleasant about someone or something. Hence, building anything on feelings is a guarantee for failure and frustration. The highest form of love is to express fondness and genuine interest in someone based on a nature. Love is a decision! It is making an informed choice about someone based on available facts. Jesus wasn’t emotional about us. He died for us knowing we were sinners. And He gave us a commandment to love (Matthew 22:37-40). Upon this is the foundation of our faith. 


Jesus Himself epitomized love for us. By this we know what love is, because he laid down His own life for us. The entire process of salvation was a love decision. He chose to come in flesh, bear the horror of crucifixion and rose up triumphantly for our redemption. What better way to describe love? Jesus did it! He commands us to do likewise.


How sacrificial is the subject of love to you?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Exodus 15. 1 – 21, Psalm 39

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