SCRIPTURE: “For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. (2 Corinthians 10:12, NKJV)

QUOTE: “Success is not a function of what you do compared to what others are doing, but what you do compared to what God expects you to do.” – Dr Myles Munroe.


The future is not limited to the attainment of positions, neither is it about the accumulation of possessions, but the fulfilment of your purpose according to heaven’s ordination for you. Your unique destiny is ordained to complement existing ones and not for competition. You weren’t designed by God to compete with anyone, you are best in your own shoes.

You are to compete only with your vision; this is the best way to measure your performance in the pursuit of destiny. When you compete with others, you strive and strain and stress. However, when you focus on your God given vision, you thrive. Stay in your lane, you’ve got a unique purpose. No room for competition, it is needless! Stop striving to break another man’s record, leave your own mark in the sands of your time.


Joseph told his brothers he saw eleven stars (Verse 9). Not eleven slaves, not eleven failures. Joseph was speaking by revelation what is to come. If his brothers have been a little more patient, reasonable and sensitive, they would have discovered there was no room for any competition, since they too were ordained stars. (Genesis 37: 1-11)


  1. Have you identified your uniqueness?
  2. I what ways are you different from others?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Leviticus 1 – 2, Psalm 57

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