SCRIPTURE: “Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time.” (Judges 4:4)

QUOTE: Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox


In a bid to be and become many things that survival calls for in our days and time, there is a subtle temptation that many of us are falling into; paying less and less attention to the family and the home front. The men folk used to be the major culprits but this matter at hand is clearly becoming non gender sensitive. In many homes, daddy and mummy are gradually but increasingly becoming nonresident parents. They are ‘legitimately’ busy during the week and they also have many things to catch up on over the weekends. Honestly, no one is judging or condemning you, the fact however remains that you can’t continue like that. It can be dangerous at the end! You need to decide for a positive change.

Our focal scripture (you may also look at Ecclesiastes 9:8-10) is both suggestive and instructive. Deborah was a prophetess, wife and judge. Did you get that? We want to change the order to suit our realities. Unfortunately, we can’t. And if we do, we will pay for it. Trust God. Prayerfully reshuffle your priorities. Decide not to allow money create for you problems that money cannot solve. Make every moment with your family unit count; for a start, it may be short but qualitatively memorable. Be ready to make needful and necessary sacrifices. That is an investment that God pays heavy returns on.


The mother of Moroccan football star at her age demonstrated utmost family support for her son, Sofiane Boufal. She left every other thing to travel and watch her son play. No wonder, after the victory of his team, Sofiane reciprocated by throwing caution into the wind as he danced openly and joyfully with his dear mum right on the football pitch.


Is it your habit to deliberately create memorable times for your family? If yes, how do you improve on that? If no, what adjustments do you need to make?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Leviticus 6.8 – 7.38, Psalm 61

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