SCRIPTURE: “For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (I Corinthians 6:20 KJV)
QUOTE: Good health is a crown on the head of a well person that only a sick person can see. – Rohit Sharma
This generation is too blessed with loads of useful information on health and wellness. But as you know, your body is not clean because you have packets of soap in your house; the soap only adds value to your body when you use it. Health and wellness advocacies are however shifting from curative to preventive health. WHO’s definition of health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity” throws up a question and a challenge – how many people are really healthy? Are you physically fit? Are you mentally healthy? Are you emotionally balanced? Are you socially well? These are responsibilities you cannot delegate. No one can be healthy for you! And you need good health for consistent and sustainable peak performance. Health is both inside out and outside in. Set your mind that good health is a possibility. Take deliberate decisions and actions for actualization. Remember that if you do not prepare, you will certainly repair. And the latter is always more expensive. Keep your environment clean.
Eat right. Exercise regularly. Have adequate rest schedule. Create time for social interactions. As busy as Jesus was, He attended a wedding. Surround yourself with people with positive attitudes to life; they generate positive vibes that’s good for you. Change whatever is within your power to change and adjust to those you cannot. You are a person of faith living in a real world. Deliberately refuse hurts, offences and unforgiveness to thrive on your heart. Be grateful always. God wants you to live in health. Sure you do too.
High-risk lifestyle choices like excessive drinking, smoking, physical inactivity and poor diet are part of the reasons why corporations lose about $530 billion due to poor health among employees in US. A leader is therefore saving himself/herself, his/her team members and his/her organization when he/she exemplifies, advocates for and institutionalizes healthy lifestyle.
Carry out a simple analysis of your physical, mental, emotional and social wellness. What do you observe? What needs to change?
TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Leviticus 10, Psalm 63