SCRIPTURE: “Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” (Hosea 10:12 KJV)

QUOTE: “The right attitude can transform a barrier into a blessing, an obstacle into an opportunity or a stumbling block into a stepping stone.” – Cory Booker


Breaking new grounds is about setting new marks, starting a new project, a new job, new pattern of spirituality (prayer, study, evangelism lifestyle, etc.) This can be achieved by confronting every obstacle and hindrance on our way. Our Scripture today placed premium on the need for the leader seeking God so as to break their fallow (uncultivated, unceased opportunities, unused or unidentified abilities or talents) ground. The surest of all possibilities in breaking new ground with proofs that stand the test of time as leaders is our addicted pursuit of God and following thoroughly his commands. The reasons for these are many, but let’s examine a few. His ways are not our ways, so, it is expected that we do as he commands us, our ways, desires, abilities, dreams and visions might appear surer but his ways will give us the results. Your way might even bring people to support and back you but if God is not in it, at the end, they will all leave you! God’s ways might be tough and rough, with plenty of difficulties or challenges, fumbles and tumbles, but, in the end, it definitely will take you to your desired end.


Most sportsmen and women set records, nevertheless, at the next event either they break their own record or some other persons break it; thereby setting a new record! If that’s possible with sportsmen and women, then we too can do more, by addicted followership and obedience to the Most High God!  For the average believer and leader, what makes the difference in generating news from their fallow ground is in seeking after God in all of their endeavor as reflected in today’s text.  Hosea 10:12.One cannot but be amazed and wowed by the story of the young man called Joseph who set the pace for a new leadership system by breaking all odds that were supposed to limit him in a strange and foreign land, even as a slave, but who finally became a Prime Minister of the then Egyptian Empire.


  1. What are the areas in your life that you can identify as a fallow ground?
  2. What will you do after today to cultivate such fallow ground?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Leviticus 17 – 18, Psalm 67

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