SCRIPTURE: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he has sufficient to finish it?” (Luke 14:28 KJV)

QUOTE: “An hour of planning can save you ten (10) hours of doing” -Dale Carnegie


People who have good personal effectiveness skills are better to work with. This is because they are motivated, engaged, organized, and they consistently deliver what they have promised. If you want to succeed at work, having personal effectiveness skills will make a big difference.

One of the skills that will help your personal effectiveness is your ability to plan. People who make detailed plans and have an idea of where they are going tend to be more likely to meet their goals and they’re also more likely to consistently make progress.

We are not super humans, therefore, whether we like it or not, we have to plan and remind ourselves to do important tasks. You can start by writing a list of all the important things you need to do every morning or evening – whichever works best for you. This will ensure more focus and less forgotten tasks. Failing to plan is actually planning to fail. Planning should be done for every minute of time you have so as to avoid wastage. Planning brings you calmness, enables you to achieve more, gives you time to rest and will greatly increase your personal effectiveness.


According to the 10/90 Rule by Brian Tracy, the 10% of time that you take to plan your activities carefully in advance will save you 90% of the effort involved in achieving your goals later. This will free you up to be more effective, do other important tasks and consequently achieve more. This illustrates the power of planning. Planning helps your personal effectiveness as a person


  1. Are you a planner?
  2. Do you have a written down plan for today?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 1 Kings 3 – 4, Psalm 5

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