SCRIPTURE: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (1 John 4:8 (KJV)

QUOTE: “God is love, and as pure love, He is always inclusive, and I believe that we should be, too.” – Mary Vasquez


Epignosis refers to accurate and precise knowledge about any subject matter. The Scripture clearly teaches us that one of the most profound characters of God is that God is love. Love is the nature of God. Infact, God cannot function outside of love. In Psalms 136:10, the Psalmist declared that even when God brought judgment to Egypt, it was still an extension of His love and mercy. Jesus Christ had the clearest and truest revelation of the nature of God. When Jesus He was here, He showed to us that God is our Father and as a Father He loves and cares for us.

God is love, this is absolute. This means that God loves the whole world and everyone that is in it, even when they do not know nor serve Him. But let me draw your attention to the reality that God loves you. Out of the almost 8 Billion people on earth, God loves you, He knows you by your name, He knows the number of hairs in your head, He knows exactly what you are passing through right now, and He is committed to showing you His love and His goodness.


The Prophet Jeremiah beautifully penned as follows: “It is of the Lord’s mercy that we are not consumed because His Compassion faileth not. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceaseth, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is His faithfulness. Indeed love cannot be spoken of more than this.

TWO YEARS BIBLE READING PLAN: 1 Kings 12 – 13, Psalm 10

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