SCRIPTURE: For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little. (Isaiah 28:10, NKJV)

QUOTE: “Success is a function of the process and its results are in phases” -Anonymous. 


Getting “there” from “here” will be a resultant effect of the process; precept upon precept, lines upon lines. Success is a product of the process. It is not an overnight achievement. Success is not an end rather it is making progressive and satisfactory records in your daily adventure. God Himself demonstrated the principle of success when He created the earth and its fullness.

The journey of destiny is not an overnight arrival as some assume, it is the result of overtime investments. It involves taking steps that conform to the principles of your desired and preferred end. Whatever makes you boycott the process will only short-change your destiny. There is no free ride to the park to achieve greatly; everyone must pay the required fare. 


Joseph the dreamer beheld his glorious end twice in a dream. But that was not enough to exclude him from the processes life is customized with. The pit scenario, the Potiphar’s wife drama, and the prison experiences, were all the hurdles he had to scale over to arrive as a Prime Minister.


Identify the processes you’ve got to embrace to arrive beyond here and start engaging them today! 

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: 2 Chronicles 14 – 16, Psalm 62

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