SCRIPTURE: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ (Luk 4:18 (TPT)

QUOTE: “At a party, the guests drink more than the host. The same can be said on the plane, the passengers should have fun and not the pilot. In this case, the pilot is the shepherd of the sheep. The keeper of the flock.” – Mwanandeke Kindembo


Shepherds must be valuable physicians to the sheep. Healing, restoration, hope and help must come from the shepherd to the flock. A leader like the shepherd must continually fight for the cause of the flock. David said he kept his father’s flock while the lion and the bear came to steal and kill, but he was a great defender for the flock. That is the grain of a good leader – defending, protecting and ensuring the followers are kept from harm’s way. 


Elisha was a source of hope and deliverance for the Shunammite woman. He delivered her out of barrenness, restored her dead son and made a way for her and her son to escape when famine was imminent upon the land (2Kings 8:1). He did everything to protect the Shunammite woman and provide an enabling environment for her to thrive. Our leaders must at all times, like the good shepherd, fight, protect and provide infrastructures that will alleviate the suffering of the general populace.


  1. Do you believe your followers should be left alone to fight their battles?
  2. An attacked on one is attacked on everyone, is this your principle of leadership?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Catch-Up Day, Psalm 81

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