SCRIPTURE: “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. (John 4:34 (NIV)

QUOTE: I think the foremost quality—there’s no success without it—really loves what you do. If you love it, you do it well, and there’s no success if you don’t do well what you’re working at. I say again, to be successful; the first thing to do is fall in love with what you do.” -Malcolm Forbes. 


In his book titled; “The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs”. There Steve Jobs shared the seven principles of his success. I feel deeply that since the church have the life-changing Gospel, which is more valuable, more important, and more effective than any i-product; she should be more aggressive in pushing out this product to the reach of millions of the unreached in the world.  How can this be accomplished? When reporters interviewed Steve Jobs on the reason for his success, he said, “The only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” If you do not like the work that you do, you will never find real success, because you do not have the kind of passion that will keep you going. A person with passion isn’t exempt from difficulties and obstacles; however no amount of difficulty can put him down. 


Hudson Taylor and his wife went by faith as missionaries to China. Once, they faced a very difficult time, such that they didn’t even have rice to eat. The couple put their heads into the jar where they stored the rice, and sang a doxology aloud. How could they sing when they had no food to eat? Unless you love the task more than ‘rice’ you will be tempted to, ‘curse God….’ This was the testimony of Hudson Taylor, how about you? Do you love what you do now? If you do, would that bit of criticism or that small incident of persecution, disappointment or betrayal causes you to give up? If so, you do not love what you do, you only love yourself. 


How much can you endure to keep doing what you love doing for God and humanity?

 TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Nehemiah 3 – 4, Psalm 83

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