SCRIPTURE: “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.” (Luke 6:31, NKJV)

QUOTE: Human relations is the art of dealing with people in such a way that everyone wins Walter Doyle Staple.


Successful folks understand that the best way to treat people is “first class”. Every human being deserves to be treated that way irrespective of their color, size, sex, race or background. You should not for any reason see people as problems. You have got to see beyond the physical into their God given abilities, their talents and hidden potentials. You must be in the know, that someone’s present state does not represent his final status.

Treat people first class, because anybody can become anything. the tides can change and they can be instrumental to your next phase or your next move in life. Learn to give people a superlative welcome, an heartwarming smile, respect them, value them and constantly celebrate them. Make it a habit to leave behind sweet memories on the mind of everyone you come across. Remember, you don’t always have the second chance to make a better impression. Today, go out of your way, extend God’s kindness, give your resources, show some love. 


David was on a voyage to recover all that the Amalekites has spoiled from his camp, Ziklag. He met a young Egyptian boy on his way, weary, tired and dying. He gave him a first-class treatment and voila, his journey to recover all became seamless. One act of kindness and the young boy accelerated David quest for victory; he led him to the camp of the enemy. Verse 18, “So David recovered all…”! (1 Samuel 30: 8-18) 


How have you faired expressing the love you profess as a believer, to people around you?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Job 25 – 26, Psalm 116

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