SCRIPTURE: “Now when the time was approaching for Him to be taken up [to heaven], He was determined to go to Jerusalem [to fulfill His purpose].” (Luke 9:51 AMP)

QUOTE: ““Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” Pablo Picasso 


If you are procrastinating a little too much, maybe that’s because you make it easy to procrastinate. Identify your browser bookmarks that take up a lot of your time and shift them into a separate folder that is less accessible. Disable the automatic notification option in your email client. Get rid of the distractions around you. I know some people will out of the way and delete or deactivate their facebook accounts. I think it’s a little drastic and extreme as addressing procrastination is more about being conscious of our actions than counteracting via self-binding methods, but if you feel that’s what’s needed, go for it. One of the worst things that you can do when starting to “work” is checking emails. Checking emails first in the morning isn’t good for you. It will put you in an “non-action” mood. Instead, pull out your task list and work on a big task first. Check email later. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, everything — Turn them off completely to beat procrastination. Focus on the task at hand. 


One good way to get to work is to set a specific time for yourself to work. Say, 25 minutes. After the set amount of time, rest and do whatever you want for a little bit. Then, work for a set of time again. One of the best ways to know where you are spending your time and find free time to beat procrastination is by tracking yourself. Find your weaknesses and change them.


Are you working at the breaking away from distracting elements with or around you?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Isaiah 7 – 8, Proverbs 4:1 – 27

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