SCRIPTURE: “The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.” (Job 17:9)

QUOTE: “Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energy moving forward together towards an answer.” -Denis Waitley 


As each day brings us unveils 2023, it’s a rare person who isn’t cheering for the end of that terrible, horrible, very bad year, 2022. Hard times are—well—hard, but they do force us to find new solutions and cope in new ways which foster innovation and resilience. Now is the time to reflect, regroup and take stock so you can hit the ground running again when the time is right.

Here’s what to consider as you look back and look forward in order to get a great start to your future: Give conscious thought to what you were doing (and, if you can remember, what you were thinking) at the beginning of 2022. It may feel especially far away. But as much as possible, get clear on that starting point. What were your plans and hopes? Give yourself an extra pat on the back if you accomplished all your goals in spite of the odds. But give yourself a break if you didn’t achieve all you’d hoped—for obvious reasons. Use your original aims as a starting point for where you’ll go from here, building on where you’ve been, and refreshing intentions for where you’ll go. 


The old proverb gives account of an Agama Lizar, who climbed to the apex of a palm tree, and jumped down from that height. It looked to the right and left to see anyone applauding it, but was disappointed. It then nodded its head……. If no one applauds me, I will do it myself.”


How proud are you of your achievements in the past year?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Genesis 24 – 25.11, Psalm 15

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