SCRIPTURE: “What is man that you are passionate about him…” (Psalm 8:4 TPT)

QUOTE: “Love without passion is dreary; passion without love is horrific.” – Lord Byron 


Beloved, there is no love if it can’t be expressed with passion. Passion is a strong or extravagant fondness of something or someone. Passion is enthusiasm and desire for someone or something. When you are mindful of someone, you are passionate about the same. Invariably, the proof that you are passionate about someone is pursuit.

The love of God for us was passionate. Romans 5 and verse 8 says, ‘when we were yet sinners, Christ came to die for us.’ While we were walloping in sin, God was so passionate about us to redeem us.  In the same light, God wants us to show that dimension of love to everyone in our spheres. Today, express love to your spouse with passion, to be mindful of your subordinates, your neighbors and everyone you come in contact with. 


The passionate love Jacob had for Rachael in Genesis 29 is both instructive and inspiring. His love was expressed in his pursuit. Genesis 29:20 says, “So Jacob served seven years for Rachael and it seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.” How best do we rather express passion?


On a scale of 1-10, how passionate are you about the people you profess to love?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Exodus 15. 22 – 17.7, Psalm 40

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