SCRIPTURE: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34. NIV)

QUOTE: “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” – Norman Schwarzkopf

NOTE: Love is the foundation of leadership. It is what motivates us to serve and to lead with integrity and humility. Leadership and love are closely intertwined, as they both require a strong sense of empathy and understanding. A leader who is able to lead with love is able to connect with his team members on a deeper level, which helps to build trust and respect. They are able to understand the needs and concerns of their team members and make decisions that are in their best interest. Additionally, a leader who leads with love is able to create a positive work environment, which can lead to increased employee satisfaction and productivity. Love also allows leaders to be more patient, understanding and forgiving towards their team members, which can help to resolve conflicts and build a more cohesive team. In short, leading with love can be a powerful tool for creating a successful and harmonious team.


Jesus Christ exemplified love as a leader. His leadership style was characterized by his compassion and understanding, as well as his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. He was known for his ability to forgive and reconcile with those who had wronged him.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is shown as a leader who was deeply committed to serving others. He was always willing to put the needs of others before his own, and he was known for his ability to heal and comfort those who were suffering. Jesus’ leadership was also marked by his willingness to teach and mentor others, and he was able to inspire a sense of loyalty and dedication among his followers.


What’s the degree of love in your leadership?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Numbers 8.1 – 9.14, Psalm 80

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