SCRIPTURE: “And the next day he appeared to [two of] them as they were fighting, and [tried to] reconcile them, saying, ‘Men, you are brethren; why do you wrong one another?” (Acts 7:26 NKJV)

QUOTE: “The world needs less moneymakers but more peacemakers” – Amit Ray


A Leader should seek to create calm within the team. Great Leaders fight to ensure there is harmony within their team. They understand that if a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Leaders ought to be Reconcilers. When they notice that strife is brewing in their team, they take urgent steps to resolve it. They understand the importance of oneness within the team. They know that for a team that is United, nothing is impossible for them to accomplish; and no goal is too big for them to achieve. Any team that has cracks within cannot fulfill it’s potential. Great Leaders avoid negative implosions or infighting, within their team. They ensure that justice prevails within the relationship Dynamics of the team. The Oppressed within the team is defended. The Oppressor is brought to book. Justice and Equity within the team is their watchword. Favoritism or nepotistic behaviors aren’t allowed. It is important that as a Leader, you are a Peacemaker within the team. Never be the one who fuels the fire of contempt, gossip and bitterness among team members. Be a Peacemaker; ensure there is harmony among team members and watch your team exceed expectations in their accomplishments. Great Leaders are great Unifiers.


Moses was a Peacemaker. In our scriptural text in Acts 7:26, we see Moses acting in this capacity as a Peacemaker. He saw two Israelites fighting and he wondered why brothers should be fighting each other. Moses knew the futility in infighting within a team. He wondered why people who should be working as a team for their common good are fighting each other. What did Moses do in response? He put on the garb of a Peacemaker and tried reconciling them. He asked them why they were fighting each other. He understood that within the team, conflict resolution was a non-negotiable venture. Great Leaders resolve conflict among team members as quickly as possible.  They do not leave conflicts to linger, they act as Peacemakers and Reconciliatory Agents within the team. Great Leaders are Peacemakers.


  1. In an honest assessment of yourself, are you someone who fans the flame of conflict among team members?
  2. Can your team members describe you as a Peacemaker within the team?

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING: Numbers 9.15 – 10.36, Psalm 81

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